Enum EventType
- Namespace
- Temporalio.Api.Enums.V1
- Assembly
- Temporalio.dll
Whenever this list of events is changed do change the function shouldBufferEvent in mutableStateBuilder.go to make sure to do the correct event ordering
public enum EventType
[OriginalName("EVENT_TYPE_ACTIVITY_PROPERTIES_MODIFIED_EXTERNALLY")] ActivityPropertiesModifiedExternally = 45
Some property or properties of an already-scheduled activity have changed by non-workflow code. The distinction of external vs. command-based modification is important so the SDK can maintain determinism when using the command-based approach.
[OriginalName("EVENT_TYPE_ACTIVITY_TASK_CANCEL_REQUESTED")] ActivityTaskCancelRequested = 15
A request to cancel the Activity has occurred The SDK client will be able to confirm cancellation of an Activity during an Activity heartbeat
[OriginalName("EVENT_TYPE_ACTIVITY_TASK_CANCELED")] ActivityTaskCanceled = 16
Activity has been cancelled
[OriginalName("EVENT_TYPE_ACTIVITY_TASK_COMPLETED")] ActivityTaskCompleted = 12
Activity Task has finished successfully The SDK client has picked up and successfully completed the Activity Task This event type contains Activity execution results
[OriginalName("EVENT_TYPE_ACTIVITY_TASK_FAILED")] ActivityTaskFailed = 13
Activity Task has finished unsuccessfully The SDK picked up the Activity Task but unsuccessfully completed it This event type contains Activity execution errors
[OriginalName("EVENT_TYPE_ACTIVITY_TASK_SCHEDULED")] ActivityTaskScheduled = 10
Activity Task was scheduled The SDK client should pick up this activity task and execute This event type contains activity inputs, as well as activity timeout configurations
[OriginalName("EVENT_TYPE_ACTIVITY_TASK_STARTED")] ActivityTaskStarted = 11
Activity Task has started executing The SDK client has picked up the Activity Task and is processing the Activity invocation
[OriginalName("EVENT_TYPE_ACTIVITY_TASK_TIMED_OUT")] ActivityTaskTimedOut = 14
Activity has timed out according to the Temporal Server Activity did not complete within the timeout settings
[OriginalName("EVENT_TYPE_CHILD_WORKFLOW_EXECUTION_CANCELED")] ChildWorkflowExecutionCanceled = 34
Child Workflow execution has been cancelled
[OriginalName("EVENT_TYPE_CHILD_WORKFLOW_EXECUTION_COMPLETED")] ChildWorkflowExecutionCompleted = 32
Child Workflow execution has successfully completed
[OriginalName("EVENT_TYPE_CHILD_WORKFLOW_EXECUTION_FAILED")] ChildWorkflowExecutionFailed = 33
Child Workflow execution has unsuccessfully completed
[OriginalName("EVENT_TYPE_CHILD_WORKFLOW_EXECUTION_STARTED")] ChildWorkflowExecutionStarted = 31
Child Workflow execution has successfully started/triggered
[OriginalName("EVENT_TYPE_CHILD_WORKFLOW_EXECUTION_TERMINATED")] ChildWorkflowExecutionTerminated = 36
Child Workflow execution has been terminated
[OriginalName("EVENT_TYPE_CHILD_WORKFLOW_EXECUTION_TIMED_OUT")] ChildWorkflowExecutionTimedOut = 35
Child Workflow execution has timed out by the Temporal Server
[OriginalName("EVENT_TYPE_EXTERNAL_WORKFLOW_EXECUTION_CANCEL_REQUESTED")] ExternalWorkflowExecutionCancelRequested = 24
Temporal Server has successfully requested the cancellation of the target Workflow
[OriginalName("EVENT_TYPE_EXTERNAL_WORKFLOW_EXECUTION_SIGNALED")] ExternalWorkflowExecutionSignaled = 39
Temporal Server has successfully Signaled the targeted Workflow
[OriginalName("EVENT_TYPE_MARKER_RECORDED")] MarkerRecorded = 25
A marker has been recorded. This event type is transparent to the Temporal Server The Server will only store it and will not try to understand it.
[OriginalName("EVENT_TYPE_NEXUS_OPERATION_CANCEL_REQUESTED")] NexusOperationCancelRequested = 54
A Nexus operation was requested to be canceled using a RequestCancelNexusOperation command.
[OriginalName("EVENT_TYPE_NEXUS_OPERATION_CANCELED")] NexusOperationCanceled = 52
A Nexus operation completed as canceled.
[OriginalName("EVENT_TYPE_NEXUS_OPERATION_COMPLETED")] NexusOperationCompleted = 50
A Nexus operation completed successfully.
[OriginalName("EVENT_TYPE_NEXUS_OPERATION_FAILED")] NexusOperationFailed = 51
A Nexus operation failed.
[OriginalName("EVENT_TYPE_NEXUS_OPERATION_SCHEDULED")] NexusOperationScheduled = 48
A Nexus operation was scheduled using a ScheduleNexusOperation command.
[OriginalName("EVENT_TYPE_NEXUS_OPERATION_STARTED")] NexusOperationStarted = 49
An asynchronous Nexus operation was started by a Nexus handler.
[OriginalName("EVENT_TYPE_NEXUS_OPERATION_TIMED_OUT")] NexusOperationTimedOut = 53
A Nexus operation timed out.
[OriginalName("EVENT_TYPE_REQUEST_CANCEL_EXTERNAL_WORKFLOW_EXECUTION_FAILED")] RequestCancelExternalWorkflowExecutionFailed = 23
Temporal Server could not cancel the targeted Workflow This is usually because the target Workflow could not be found
[OriginalName("EVENT_TYPE_REQUEST_CANCEL_EXTERNAL_WORKFLOW_EXECUTION_INITIATED")] RequestCancelExternalWorkflowExecutionInitiated = 22
Workflow has requested that the Temporal Server try to cancel another Workflow
[OriginalName("EVENT_TYPE_SIGNAL_EXTERNAL_WORKFLOW_EXECUTION_FAILED")] SignalExternalWorkflowExecutionFailed = 38
Temporal Server cannot Signal the targeted Workflow Usually because the Workflow could not be found
[OriginalName("EVENT_TYPE_SIGNAL_EXTERNAL_WORKFLOW_EXECUTION_INITIATED")] SignalExternalWorkflowExecutionInitiated = 37
Temporal Server will try to Signal the targeted Workflow Contains the Signal name, as well as a Signal payload
[OriginalName("EVENT_TYPE_START_CHILD_WORKFLOW_EXECUTION_FAILED")] StartChildWorkflowExecutionFailed = 30
Child Workflow execution cannot be started/triggered Usually due to a child Workflow ID collision
[OriginalName("EVENT_TYPE_START_CHILD_WORKFLOW_EXECUTION_INITIATED")] StartChildWorkflowExecutionInitiated = 29
Temporal Server will try to start a child Workflow
[OriginalName("EVENT_TYPE_TIMER_CANCELED")] TimerCanceled = 19
A time has been cancelled
[OriginalName("EVENT_TYPE_TIMER_FIRED")] TimerFired = 18
A timer has fired
[OriginalName("EVENT_TYPE_TIMER_STARTED")] TimerStarted = 17
A timer has started
[OriginalName("EVENT_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED")] Unspecified = 0
Place holder and should never appear in a Workflow execution history
[OriginalName("EVENT_TYPE_UPSERT_WORKFLOW_SEARCH_ATTRIBUTES")] UpsertWorkflowSearchAttributes = 40
Workflow search attributes should be updated and synchronized with the visibility store
[OriginalName("EVENT_TYPE_WORKFLOW_EXECUTION_CANCEL_REQUESTED")] WorkflowExecutionCancelRequested = 20
A request has been made to cancel the Workflow execution
[OriginalName("EVENT_TYPE_WORKFLOW_EXECUTION_CANCELED")] WorkflowExecutionCanceled = 21
SDK client has confirmed the cancellation request and the Workflow execution has been cancelled
[OriginalName("EVENT_TYPE_WORKFLOW_EXECUTION_COMPLETED")] WorkflowExecutionCompleted = 2
Workflow execution has successfully completed and contains Workflow execution results
[OriginalName("EVENT_TYPE_WORKFLOW_EXECUTION_CONTINUED_AS_NEW")] WorkflowExecutionContinuedAsNew = 28
Workflow has successfully completed and a new Workflow has been started within the same transaction Contains last Workflow execution results as well as new Workflow execution inputs
[OriginalName("EVENT_TYPE_WORKFLOW_EXECUTION_FAILED")] WorkflowExecutionFailed = 3
Workflow execution has unsuccessfully completed and contains the Workflow execution error
[OriginalName("EVENT_TYPE_WORKFLOW_EXECUTION_OPTIONS_UPDATED")] WorkflowExecutionOptionsUpdated = 55
Workflow execution options updated by user.
[OriginalName("EVENT_TYPE_WORKFLOW_EXECUTION_SIGNALED")] WorkflowExecutionSignaled = 26
Workflow has received a Signal event The event type contains the Signal name, as well as a Signal payload
[OriginalName("EVENT_TYPE_WORKFLOW_EXECUTION_STARTED")] WorkflowExecutionStarted = 1
Workflow execution has been triggered/started It contains Workflow execution inputs, as well as Workflow timeout configurations
[OriginalName("EVENT_TYPE_WORKFLOW_EXECUTION_TERMINATED")] WorkflowExecutionTerminated = 27
Workflow execution has been forcefully terminated This is usually because the terminate Workflow API was called
[OriginalName("EVENT_TYPE_WORKFLOW_EXECUTION_TIMED_OUT")] WorkflowExecutionTimedOut = 4
Workflow execution has timed out by the Temporal Server Usually due to the Workflow having not been completed within timeout settings
[OriginalName("EVENT_TYPE_WORKFLOW_EXECUTION_UPDATE_ACCEPTED")] WorkflowExecutionUpdateAccepted = 41
An update was accepted (i.e. passed validation, perhaps because no validator was defined)
[OriginalName("EVENT_TYPE_WORKFLOW_EXECUTION_UPDATE_ADMITTED")] WorkflowExecutionUpdateAdmitted = 47
An update was admitted. Note that not all admitted updates result in this event. See UpdateAdmittedEventOrigin for situations in which this event is created.
[OriginalName("EVENT_TYPE_WORKFLOW_EXECUTION_UPDATE_COMPLETED")] WorkflowExecutionUpdateCompleted = 43
An update completed
[OriginalName("EVENT_TYPE_WORKFLOW_EXECUTION_UPDATE_REJECTED")] WorkflowExecutionUpdateRejected = 42
This event is never written to history.
[OriginalName("EVENT_TYPE_WORKFLOW_PROPERTIES_MODIFIED")] WorkflowPropertiesModified = 46
Workflow properties modified by user workflow code
[OriginalName("EVENT_TYPE_WORKFLOW_PROPERTIES_MODIFIED_EXTERNALLY")] WorkflowPropertiesModifiedExternally = 44
Some property or properties of the workflow as a whole have changed by non-workflow code. The distinction of external vs. command-based modification is important so the SDK can maintain determinism when using the command-based approach.
[OriginalName("EVENT_TYPE_WORKFLOW_TASK_COMPLETED")] WorkflowTaskCompleted = 7
[OriginalName("EVENT_TYPE_WORKFLOW_TASK_FAILED")] WorkflowTaskFailed = 9
Workflow Task encountered a failure Usually this means that the Workflow was non-deterministic However, the Workflow reset functionality also uses this event
[OriginalName("EVENT_TYPE_WORKFLOW_TASK_SCHEDULED")] WorkflowTaskScheduled = 5
Workflow Task has been scheduled and the SDK client should now be able to process any new history events
[OriginalName("EVENT_TYPE_WORKFLOW_TASK_STARTED")] WorkflowTaskStarted = 6
Workflow Task has started and the SDK client has picked up the Workflow Task and is processing new history events
[OriginalName("EVENT_TYPE_WORKFLOW_TASK_TIMED_OUT")] WorkflowTaskTimedOut = 8
Workflow Task encountered a timeout Either an SDK client with a local cache was not available at the time, or it took too long for the SDK client to process the task