Namespace Temporalio.Api.Update.V1
- Acceptance
An update protocol message indicating that a workflow execution update has been accepted (i.e. passed the worker-side validation phase).
- MessageReflection
Holder for reflection information generated from temporal/api/update/v1/message.proto
- Meta
Metadata about a workflow execution update.
- Outcome
The outcome of a workflow update - success or failure.
- Rejection
An update protocol message indicating that a workflow execution update has been rejected.
- Request
The client request that triggers a workflow execution update
- Response
An update protocol message indicating that a workflow execution update has completed with the contained outcome.
- UpdateRef
The data needed by a client to refer to a previously invoked workflow execution update process.
- WaitPolicy
Specifies to the gRPC server how long the client wants the an update-related RPC call to wait before returning control to the caller.
- Outcome.ValueOneofCase
Enum of possible cases for the "value" oneof.