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Class ActivitySourceExtensions


Temporal extensions to ActivitySource.

public static class ActivitySourceExtensions
Inherited Members


Create a WorkflowDiagnosticActivity and set it as current. Can only be called within a workflow. WARNING: This method should not be considered stable and may change.

public static WorkflowDiagnosticActivity TrackWorkflowDiagnosticActivity(this ActivitySource source, string name, ActivityKind kind = ActivityKind.Internal, IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string, object?>>? tags = null, IEnumerable<ActivityLink>? links = null, bool evenOnReplay = false, bool inheritParentTags = true, Action<Activity>? updateActivity = null)


source ActivitySource

The source to start an internal activity on if needed.

name string

Operation name.

kind ActivityKind

Activity kind.

tags IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string, object>>

Tags for the workflow activity. See inheritParentTags.

links IEnumerable<ActivityLink>

Activity links.

evenOnReplay bool

If false (the default), the internal activity on the source will only be started when the workflow isn't replaying. If true, the internal activity will always be started.

inheritParentTags bool

If true (the default), any tags on the parent WorkflowDiagnosticActivity will be prepended to any given tags and used. If false, only given tags are used. This differs from standard ActivitySource.StartActivity behavior by intention so workflow tags can be propagated.

updateActivity Action<Activity>

If present and an internal activity is started from the source, this is invoked with the started activity before it is immediately stopped.



The started workflow activity set as current.

This starts and immediately stops an Activity since workflows do not support long-running .NET activities because workflows are interruptible/resumable. This method should be used instead of any other call on ActivitySource inside of workflows as it is replay safe. This will always return a value even if there is no .NET activity created (e.g. no listener, during replay, etc). Users must call Dispose on the activity to remove it from the current context.