Namespace Temporalio.Worker.Tuning
- CustomSlotSupplier
This class can be implemented to provide custom slot supplier behavior.
- FixedSizeSlotSupplier
A slot supplier that will only ever issue at most a fixed number of slots.
- ResourceBasedSlotSupplier
A slot supplier that will dynamically adjust the number of slots based on resource usage.
- ResourceBasedSlotSupplierOptions
Options for a specific slot type being used with a resource based slot supplier.
- ResourceBasedTunerOptions
Options for target resource usage.
- SlotInfo
Info about a task slot usage.
- SlotInfo.ActivitySlotInfo
Info about an activity task slot usage.
- SlotInfo.LocalActivitySlotInfo
Info about a local activity task slot usage.
- SlotInfo.WorkflowSlotInfo
Info about a workflow task slot usage.
- SlotMarkUsedContext
Context for marking a slot used from a CustomSlotSupplier.
- SlotPermit
A permit to use a slot for a workflow/activity/local activity task. This class can be extended if desired.
- SlotReleaseContext
Context for releasing a slot used from a CustomSlotSupplier.
- SlotReserveContext
Context for reserving a slot from a CustomSlotSupplier.
- SlotSupplier
Slot suppliers control how slots are handed out for workflow and activity tasks as well as local activities when used in conjunction with a WorkerTuner.
Pre-built slot suppliers are available as FixedSizeSlotSupplier and ResourceBasedSlotSupplier.
In order to implement your own slot supplier, you can extend the CustomSlotSupplier class.
- WorkerTuner
Implements IWorkerTuner by holding the different SlotSuppliers.
- IWorkerTuner
WorkerTuners allow for the dynamic customization of some aspects of worker configuration.
- SlotType
Defines types of Slots that workers use.