Namespace Temporalio.Client
- AsyncActivityHandle
Handle to perform activity actions for activities that will complete asynchronously.
- AsyncActivityHandle.IdReference
Reference to an activity by its workflow ID, workflow run ID, and activity ID.
- AsyncActivityHandle.Reference
Reference to an existing activity.
- AsyncActivityHandle.TaskTokenReference
Reference to an activity by its task token.
- AsyncActivityReportCancellationOptions
Options for ReportCancellationAsync(AsyncActivityReportCancellationOptions?).
- BuildIdOp
A supertype for all operations that may be performed by UpdateWorkerBuildIdCompatibilityAsync(string, BuildIdOp, RpcOptions?).
- BuildIdOp.AddNewCompatible
Adds a new Build ID into an existing compatible set. The newly added ID becomes the default for that compatible set, and thus new workflow tasks for workflows which have been executing on workers in that set will now start on this new Build ID.
- BuildIdOp.AddNewDefault
Adds a new Build ID into a new set, which will be used as the default set for the queue. This means all new workflows will start on this Build ID.
- BuildIdOp.MergeSets
Merges two sets into one set, thus declaring all the Build IDs in both as compatible with one another. The default of the primary set is maintained as the merged set's overall default.
- BuildIdOp.PromoteBuildIdWithinSet
Promotes a Build ID within an existing set to become the default ID for that set.
- BuildIdOp.PromoteSetByBuildId
Promotes a set of compatible Build IDs to become the current default set for the task queue. Any Build ID in the set may be used to target it.
- BuildIdReachability
Contains information about the reachability of a specific Build ID.
- BuildIdVersionSet
A set of Build IDs which are compatible with each other.
- CloudService
Raw gRPC cloud service.
- CloudService.Core
Implementation of the cloud service.
- HttpConnectProxyOptions
HTTP connect proxy options for Temporal connections.
- ITemporalClientExtensions
Extensions for ITemporalClient.
- KeepAliveOptions
Keep alive options for Temporal connections.
- OperatorService
Raw gRPC operator service.
- OperatorService.Core
Implementation of the operator service.
- RpcOptions
RPC options that can be provided on client calls.
- RpcRetryOptions
Retry options that can be set at the connection level to apply on calls that are retried.
- RpcService
Base class for raw gRPC services.
- TemporalClient
Client for a Temporal namespace.
- TemporalClientConnectOptions
Options for ConnectAsync(TemporalClientConnectOptions). TargetHost is required.
- TemporalClientOptions
Options for a TemporalClient.
- TemporalCloudOperationsClient
Client for Temporal Cloud Operations.
- TemporalCloudOperationsClientConnectOptions
Options for ConnectAsync(TemporalCloudOperationsClientConnectOptions). Unlike ConnectAsync(TemporalClientConnectOptions), this defaults
to the known host andTls
to enabled.
- TemporalConnection
Connection to Temporal.
- TemporalConnectionOptions
Options for ConnectAsync(TemporalConnectionOptions). TargetHost is required.
- TestService
Raw gRPC test service.
- TestService.Core
Implementation of the test service.
- TlsOptions
TLS options for Temporal connections.
- WithStartWorkflowOperation
Representation of a workflow start operation to be used in WorkflowStartUpdateWithStartOptions and WorkflowUpdateWithStartOptions for update with start calls.
- WithStartWorkflowOperation<THandle>
Representation of a workflow start operation to be used in WorkflowStartUpdateWithStartOptions and WorkflowUpdateWithStartOptions for update with start calls.
- WorkerBuildIdVersionSets
Represents the sets of compatible Build ID versions associated with some Task Queue, as fetched by GetWorkerBuildIdCompatibilityAsync(string, int, RpcOptions?).
- WorkerTaskReachability
Contains information about the reachability of some Build IDs.
- WorkflowCancelOptions
Options for CancelAsync(WorkflowCancelOptions?).
- WorkflowExecution
Representation of a workflow execution.
- WorkflowExecutionCount
Representation of a count from a count workflows call.
- WorkflowExecutionCount.AggregationGroup
Aggregation group if the workflow count query had a group-by clause.
- WorkflowExecutionDescription
Representation of a workflow execution and description.
- WorkflowHandle
Workflow handle to perform actions on an individual workflow.
- WorkflowHandle<TWorkflow>
A workflow handle with a known workflow type.
- WorkflowHandle<TWorkflow, TResult>
A workflow handle with a known workflow type and a known workflow result type.
- WorkflowHistoryEventFetchOptions
Options for FetchHistoryEventsAsync(WorkflowHistoryEventFetchOptions?).
- WorkflowOptions
Options for starting a workflow. Id and TaskQueue are required.
- WorkflowQueryOptions
Options for QueryAsync<TWorkflow, TQueryResult>(Expression<Func<TWorkflow, TQueryResult>>, WorkflowQueryOptions?) and other overloads.
- WorkflowService
Raw gRPC workflow service.
- WorkflowService.Core
Implementation of the workflow service.
- WorkflowSignalOptions
Options for SignalAsync<TWorkflow>(Expression<Func<TWorkflow, Task>>, WorkflowSignalOptions?) and other overloads.
- WorkflowStartUpdateWithStartOptions
Options for executing an update with start.
- WorkflowUpdateHandle
Workflow update handle to perform actions on an individual workflow update.
- WorkflowUpdateHandle<TResult>
Workflow update handle to perform actions on an individual workflow update.
- WorkflowUpdateOptions
Options for executing an update on a WorkflowHandle.
- WorkflowUpdateStartOptions
Options for starting an update on a WorkflowHandle.
- WorkflowUpdateWithStartOptions
Options for executing an update with start.
- IBridgeClientProvider
Provides a handle to the underlying bridge for use internally.
- ITemporalClient
Interface to a client to Temporal.
- ITemporalCloudOperationsClient
Interface to a client to Temporal Cloud Operations API.
- ITemporalConnection
Interface to a connection to Temporal.
- WorkflowUpdateStage
Stage that an update can reach. This is used when starting an update to set the stage to wait for before returning.