Namespace Temporalio.Runtime
- CustomMetricMeterOptions
Options for custom metric meter.
- LogForwardingOptions
Log forwarding options to send Core logs to a logger.
- LoggingOptions
Logging options for a runtime.
- MetricsOptions
Metrics options for a runtime. Prometheus or OpenTelemetry or CustomMetricMeter is required (but only one).
- OpenTelemetryOptions
OpenTelemetry tracing/metric collector options. Url is required.
- PrometheusOptions
Prometheus metric export options. BindAddress is required.
- TelemetryFilterOptions
A telemetry filter used in logging and tracing. FilterString is required.
- TelemetryOptions
Telemetry options for a runtime.
- TemporalRuntime
Runtime for the Temporal SDK.
- TemporalRuntimeOptions
Options for Temporal runtime.
- ICustomMetricCounter<T>
Interface to implement for a counter metric.
- ICustomMetricGauge<T>
Interface to implement for a gauge metric.
- ICustomMetricHistogram<T>
Interface to implement for a histogram metric.
- ICustomMetricMeter
Interface to implement to support custom metric handling.
- ICustomMetric<T>
Base interface for all custom metric implementations.
- CustomMetricMeterOptions.DurationFormat
Format for duration values in metrics.
- OpenTelemetryMetricTemporality
Temporality for OpenTelemetry metrics.
- OpenTelemetryProtocol
Protocol for OpenTelemetry metrics.
- TelemetryFilterOptions.Level
Filter levels.