Namespace Temporalio.Api.History.V1
- HistoryEvent
History events are the method by which Temporal SDKs advance (or recreate) workflow state. See the
enum for more info about what each event is for.
- MessageReflection
Holder for reflection information generated from temporal/api/history/v1/message.proto
- NexusOperationCanceledEventAttributes
Nexus operation completed as canceled. May or may not have been due to a cancellation request by the workflow.
- NexusOperationCompletedEventAttributes
Nexus operation completed successfully.
- NexusOperationFailedEventAttributes
Nexus operation failed.
- NexusOperationScheduledEventAttributes
Event marking that an operation was scheduled by a workflow via the ScheduleNexusOperation command.
- NexusOperationStartedEventAttributes
Event marking an asynchronous operation was started by the responding Nexus handler. If the operation completes synchronously, this event is not generated. In rare situations, such as request timeouts, the service may fail to record the actual start time and will fabricate this event upon receiving the operation completion via callback.
- NexusOperationTimedOutEventAttributes
Nexus operation timed out.
- WorkflowExecutionStartedEventAttributes
Always the first event in workflow history
- WorkflowPropertiesModifiedExternallyEventAttributes
Not used anywhere. Use case is replaced by WorkflowExecutionOptionsUpdatedEventAttributes
- HistoryEvent.AttributesOneofCase
Enum of possible cases for the "attributes" oneof.