Namespace Temporalio.Api.Workflow.V1
- CallbackInfo
CallbackInfo contains the state of an attached workflow callback.
- CallbackInfo.Types
Container for nested types declared in the CallbackInfo message type.
- CallbackInfo.Types.WorkflowClosed
Trigger for when the workflow is closed.
- MessageReflection
Holder for reflection information generated from temporal/api/workflow/v1/message.proto
- NewWorkflowExecutionInfo
NewWorkflowExecutionInfo is a shared message that encapsulates all the required arguments to starting a workflow in different contexts.
- NexusOperationCancellationInfo
NexusOperationCancellationInfo contains the state of a nexus operation cancellation.
- PendingNexusOperationInfo
PendingNexusOperationInfo contains the state of a pending Nexus operation.
- ResetPointInfo
ResetPointInfo records the workflow event id that is the first one processed by a given build id or binary checksum. A new reset point will be created if either build id or binary checksum changes (although in general only one or the other will be used at a time).
- CallbackInfo.Types.Trigger.VariantOneofCase
Enum of possible cases for the "variant" oneof.
- PendingActivityInfo.AssignedBuildIdOneofCase
Enum of possible cases for the "assigned_build_id" oneof.