Namespace Temporalio.Api.WorkflowService.V1
- CountWorkflowExecutionsResponse.Types
Container for nested types declared in the CountWorkflowExecutionsResponse message type.
- CreateScheduleRequest
(-- api-linter: core::0203::optional=disabled field_behavior annotation not available in our gogo fork --)
- DeprecateNamespaceRequest
- DeprecateNamespaceResponse
- DescribeTaskQueueRequest
(-- api-linter: core::0203::optional=disabled field_behavior annotation not available in our gogo fork --)
- ExecuteMultiOperationRequest.Types
Container for nested types declared in the ExecuteMultiOperationRequest message type.
- ExecuteMultiOperationResponse.Types
Container for nested types declared in the ExecuteMultiOperationResponse message type.
- GetClusterInfoResponse
GetClusterInfoResponse contains information about Temporal cluster.
- GetCurrentDeploymentRequest
Returns the Current Deployment of a deployment series.
- GetSystemInfoResponse.Types
Container for nested types declared in the GetSystemInfoResponse message type.
- GetSystemInfoResponse.Types.Capabilities
System capability details.
- GetWorkerTaskReachabilityRequest
Deprecated. Use
- GetWorkerTaskReachabilityResponse
Deprecated. Use
- RequestResponseReflection
Holder for reflection information generated from temporal/api/workflowservice/v1/request_response.proto
- RespondWorkflowTaskCompletedRequest.Types
Container for nested types declared in the RespondWorkflowTaskCompletedRequest message type.
- RespondWorkflowTaskCompletedRequest.Types.Capabilities
SDK capability details.
- ServiceReflection
Holder for reflection information generated from temporal/api/workflowservice/v1/service.proto
- UnpauseActivityByIdRequest.Types
Container for nested types declared in the UnpauseActivityByIdRequest message type.
- UpdateWorkerBuildIdCompatibilityRequest.Types
Container for nested types declared in the UpdateWorkerBuildIdCompatibilityRequest message type.
- UpdateWorkerVersioningRulesRequest
(-- api-linter: core::0134::request-mask-required=disabled UpdateNamespace RPC doesn't follow Google API format. --) (-- api-linter: core::0134::request-resource-required=disabled GetWorkerBuildIdCompatibilityRequest RPC doesn't follow Google API format. --)
- UpdateWorkerVersioningRulesRequest.Types
Container for nested types declared in the UpdateWorkerVersioningRulesRequest message type.
- UpdateWorkerVersioningRulesRequest.Types.AddCompatibleBuildIdRedirectRule
Adds the rule to the list of redirect rules for this Task Queue. There can be at most one redirect rule for each distinct Source Build ID.
- UpdateWorkerVersioningRulesRequest.Types.CommitBuildId
This command is intended to be used to complete the rollout of a Build ID and cleanup unnecessary rules possibly created during a gradual rollout. Specifically, this command will make the following changes atomically:
- Adds an assignment rule (with full ramp) for the target Build ID at the end of the list.
- Removes all previously added assignment rules to the given target Build ID (if any).
- Removes any fully-ramped assignment rule for other Build IDs.
- UpdateWorkerVersioningRulesRequest.Types.InsertBuildIdAssignmentRule
Inserts the rule to the list of assignment rules for this Task Queue. The rules are evaluated in order, starting from index 0. The first applicable rule will be applied and the rest will be ignored.
- UpdateWorkerVersioningRulesRequest.Types.ReplaceBuildIdAssignmentRule
Replaces the assignment rule at a given index.
- UpdateWorkerVersioningRulesRequest.Types.ReplaceCompatibleBuildIdRedirectRule
Replaces the routing rule with the given source Build ID.
- UpdateWorkflowExecutionRequest
(-- api-linter: core::0134=disabled Update RPCs don't follow Google API format. --)
- ExecuteMultiOperationRequest.Types.Operation.OperationOneofCase
Enum of possible cases for the "operation" oneof.
- ExecuteMultiOperationResponse.Types.Response.ResponseOneofCase
Enum of possible cases for the "response" oneof.
- ListClosedWorkflowExecutionsRequest.FiltersOneofCase
Enum of possible cases for the "filters" oneof.
- ListOpenWorkflowExecutionsRequest.FiltersOneofCase
Enum of possible cases for the "filters" oneof.
- StartBatchOperationRequest.OperationOneofCase
Enum of possible cases for the "operation" oneof.
- UnpauseActivityByIdRequest.OperationOneofCase
Enum of possible cases for the "operation" oneof.
- UpdateWorkerBuildIdCompatibilityRequest.OperationOneofCase
Enum of possible cases for the "operation" oneof.
- UpdateWorkerVersioningRulesRequest.OperationOneofCase
Enum of possible cases for the "operation" oneof.